January 2013

The silver lioness, symbol of the project

The silver lioness was discovered by chance in the '40s in the area known as „Pietroasa lui Solomon”, near the Fortress of Blidaru. Not without significance, in the same area were discovered, on some artificial terraces, stone column bases belonging to Dacian temples.

Since the circumstances of the finding as well as it's precise location are unknown, the interpretation of the artefact is a difficult task. It can be dated with a serious approximation, based on the style of the representation and the location where it was found, to the end of the Iron Age.

Dacian Fortresses, UNESCO Heritage

Presently, seven monuments and sites of Romania are included on the World Heritage List. Among them is also the complex of the Dacian Fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains.

The complex is listed on the UNESCO World Heritage List since 1999 and determinant for its admission was the value of the component archaeological sites.

The research program, briefly

The multiannual research program for the Dacian fortresses of the Orăștie Mountains starts from the premise of the inestimable scientific and cultural value of the sites included on the World Heritage List of UNESCO.

This program aims to intensify the archaeological research (digs and multidisciplinary investigations), to acquire equipments and to invest in lab tests and lab research, to put together a solid material basis, and, at last but not least, to promote these monuments according to the international standards, in order to be included in national and international cultural tours.

The program coordinator is the National Museum of Transylvanian History of Cluj-Napoca, having as partners The Babeș-Bolyai University (Cluj-Napoca), The Museum of Dacian and Roman Civilisation (Deva), The National Romanian History Museum (Bucharest),The Institute of Archaeology and Art History of the Romanian Academy (Cluj-Napoca).