The interest for the Blidaru vestiges is relatively recent, compared the the long term attention accorded to other Dacian sites of the Orăştie Mountains. In the beginning of the XXth century appeared the first mentions on Dacian artifacts, discovered by chance in the area, at that moment being also remembered older traces of treasure seekers.
D. M. Teodorescu was the first archaeologist to set foot in the fortress of Blidaru, in 1921, but the first systematic archaeological research started only in 1953 under the coordination of C. Daicoviciu. Following the digging campaigns that are still continuing, the fortress ramparts were almost entirely investigated. The research also targeted the terraces near the citadel, where several isolated towers were identified (Poiana Perţii, Poiana Popii, Muchia Chişetoarei, Poiana lui Mihu, La Vămi), as well as the traces of some temples (Pietroasa lui Solomon).