History of research

The Piatra Roşie cliff ("The Red Cliff") hidden among mountains, attracted the attention of intellectuals and antiquities amateurs since the XIXth century, mentions being made of of ancient artefacts and ruins as well as of the greed of treasure hunters.

The first realistic and scientific evaluations of the historical site are the work of Finàly Gàbor that made the first studies on the site in the beginning of the XXth century. He notices the similarities between the aspect of the stone fortress's towers with the images sculpted on the Column of Trajan, as well as the link between the position of the fortification and the ruins of Grădiştea de Munte.

The same topographical and archaeological reality is emphasised by the professor D. M. Teodorescu of Cluj, that made the first systematic field research in the region in 1921.

Under the supervision of professor C. Daicoviciu archaeological digs were opened in the Piatra Roşie fortress in 1949 the results being published in a monographical study in 1954. At the same time were opened several test trenches in the linear fortifications of Cioclovina-Ponorici.

In the early 2000s, preparing the resuming of systematic research in the area, the scientific group led by professor I. Glodariu opens small sized digs inside the fortress, concomitantly clearing part of the stone constructions covered with alluvia and vegetation.