The Dacian Fortresses of the Mountains of Orăștie are a part of the local communities and represent their cultural identity.
The visit of the archaeological sites, their research and public capitalisation cannot be done without the involvement of the local communities who, in our opinion play the most important role, starting with the safekeeping and conservation of the cultural objectives and continuing with these objectives' promotion. All these considerations taken into account and with the necessary support of the local communities and public authorities the cultural area can develop in the future as a tourist destination.
In order to facilitate the access to the cultural destinations as well as in order to help all those who, one way or another, require specific information when arriving in the Dacian Fortresses area, we have structured the information on three levels: a local level (the village on the territory of which the cultural site is situated), a micro-regional level (the proximity cities, Orăștie and Sebeș) and a county level for the county capital cities: Deva - Hunedoara County and Alba Iulia - Alba County).
The same principle was used for the graphic output of the main access ways to the Dacian Fortresses area.